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  • 职务:
  • 电子邮件:piaojinling@mail.iap.ac.cn
  • 研究方向:东北亚气候过渡带水汽收支的研究
(1) piao jinling; chen wen*; wei ke; liu yong; graf hf; ahn joong-bae; pogoreltsev alexander; an abrupt rainfall decrease over the asian inland plateau region around 1999 and the possible underlying mechanism, advances in atmospheric sciences, 2018, 34: 456–468.
(2) piao jinling; chen wen*; chen shangfeng; wei ke; intensified impact of north atlantic oscillation in may on subsequent july asian inland plateau precipitation since the late 1970s, international journal of climatology, 2018, 38: 2605–2612.
(3) piao jinling; chen wen*; zhang qiong; hu peng; comparison of moisture transport between siberia and northeast asia on annual and interannual time scales, journal of climate, 2018, 31: 7645–7660.
(4) piao jinling; chen wen*; wang lin; pausata fsr; zhang qiong; northward extension of the east asian summer monsoon during the mid-holocene, global and planetary change, 2020, 184: 1–9.
(5) piao jinling; chen wen*; chen shangfeng; gong hainan; zhang qiong; summer water vapor sources in northeast asia and east siberia revealed by a moisture-tracing atmospheric model, journal of climate, 2020.
国家自然科学基金委员会, 中泰国际合作项目, 41961144016, 全球变暖背景下亚洲东南部地区夏季极端气候事件的年代际变异特征、机理和预测, 2020-01至2022-12, 200万元, 在研, 参加