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  • 职务:
  • 电子邮件:zhanghb@mail.iap.ac.cn
  • 研究方向:雷电物理、雷电高能辐射、雷暴电学、大气探测
1. 博士研究生国家奖学金, 2016
2. 第32届中国气象学会年会优秀墙报, 2015
1.zhang h., lu g., lyu f., xiong s., ahmad m. r., yi q., … qie x, 2021: on the terrestrial gamma‐ray flashes preceding narrow bipolar events. geophysical research letters, 48, e2020gl092160, doi: 10.1029/2020gl092160. 
2.zhang, h., lu, g., lyu, f., ahmad, m. r., qie, x., cummer, s. a., et al. (2020). first measurements of low-frequency sferics associated with terrestrial gamma‐ray flashes produced by equatorial thunderstorms. geophysical research letters, 47, e2020gl089005. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020gl089005.
3.张鸿波,郄秀书,刘明远等,2021:基于双金属球三维电场探空仪的一次雷暴云内电荷结构观测研究.地球物理学报,64(4): 1155-1166, doi: 10.6038/cjg2021o0187. 
4.张鸿波,郄秀书,刘明远等,2021. 一次中尺度对流系统层云区域的电场探空观测和电荷结构研究. 高原气象,doi: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-0534.2021.zk004.
5.于函,张鸿波*,刘冬霞,陈志雄,田野,袁善锋,王东方,卢晶雨,周筠珺,郄秀书,2021. 飑线系统中的闪电活动与雷达回波特征的相关性研究. 大气科学. doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.2101.20243
6.xian, t., g. lu, h. zhang, y. wang, s. xiong, q. yi, j. yang, and f. lyu (2021), implications from gnns-inferred tropopause altitude associated with terrestrial gamma-ray flashes, remote sensing, 13, 1939; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13101939.
7.li x., lu g., jiang r., zhang h., fan y., shi t., qie x., zhang y., ren h., zhang c., and zhang y., 2021: on the transition from precursors to the initial upward positive leader in negative rocket‐triggered lightning. journal of geophysical research: atmospheres, 126, e2020jd033926, doi: 10.1029/2020jd033926. 
8.jiang r., srivastava a., qie x., yuan s., zhang h., sun z., wang d., wang c., lv g., and li z., 2021: fine structure of the breakthrough phase of the attachment process in a natural lightning flash, geophysical research letters, 48, e2020gl091608, doi: 10.1029/2020gl091608.
9.陆高鹏, 熊少林, 张鸿波, 吕凡超, 徐未, 杨靖, 祝宝友, 刘非凡, 李东帅 (2020), 对流层雷暴在近地空间的高能辐射效应-地球伽玛射线闪, 中国科学 (物理学 力学 天文学), 50, 129506, doi: 10.1360/sspma-2020-0303.
10.jiang, r., qie, x., li, z., zhang, h., li, x., yuan, s., et al. (2020). luminous crown residual vs bright space segment: characteristical structures for the intermittent positive and negative leaders of triggered lightning. geophysical research letters, 47, e2020gl088107. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020gl088107.
11.soler, s., pérez-invernón, f. j., gordillo-vázquez, f. j., luque, a., d., li, malagón-romero, a., t. neubert, o. chanrion v., reglero j., navarro-gonzalez, g. lu, h. zhang, a. huang, n. ?stgaard. (2020). blue optical observations of narrow bipolar events by asim suggest corona streamer activity in thunderstorms. journal of geophysical research: atmospheres, 125, e2020jd032708. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020jd032708
12.zhang h., g. lu, f. lyu, x. li, x. qie, r. liu, 2019: measurements and analysis of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes (tgfs) within china, apl2019, doi: 10.1109/apl.2019.8816055
13.lu, g., h. zhang, s. a. cummer, y. wang, f. lyu, m. briggs, s. xiong, and a. chen, 2019: a comparative study on the lightning sferics associated with terrestrial gamma-ray flashes observed in north america and asia. journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics, 183, 67-75, doi: 10.1016/j.jastp.2019.01.001.
14.fan, y., g. lu, x. li, h. zhang, r. jiang, m. liu, x. qie, y. zhang, y. zhang, w. lyu, and d. zheng, 2019: measurements of burst of magnetic pulses during the initial continuous current in rocket-triggered lightning, journal of geophysical research: atmospheres, 124, doi: 10.1029/2019jd031237.
15.wang, y., g. lu, m. ma, h. zhang, y fan, g liu, z wan, y wang, k. peng, c. peng, f. liu, b. zhu, b. ni, x. gu, l. chen, j. yi, and r. zhou, 2019: triangulation of red sprites observed above a mesoscale convective system in north china. earth and planetary physics, 3(2), 111-125, doi:10.26464/epp2019015. (cover paper)
16.fan, y., g. lu, h. zhang, r. jiang, x. li, m. liu, x. qie, d. zheng, y. zhang, w. lu, and y. zhang (2018), characteristics of electromagnetic signals during the initial stage of rocket-triggered lightning, j. geophys. res.: atmos., doi:10.1029/2018jd028744.
17.huang, a., g. lu, h. zhang, f. liu, y. fan, b. zhu, and z. wang (2018), locating parent lightning strokes of sprites observed over a mesoscale convective system in shandong province, china, advances in atmospheric sciences, doi: 10.1007/s00376-018-7306-4.
18.zhang, h., lu, g., qie, x., jiang, r., fan, y., tian, y., ... & feng, g. (2016). locating narrow bipolar events with single-station measurement of low-frequency magnetic fields. journal of atmospheric and solar-terrestrial physics, 143, 88-101.
19.lu, g., zhang, h., jiang, r., fan, y., qie, x., liu, m., ... & liu, k. (2016). characterization of initial current pulses in negative rocket‐triggered lightning with sensitive magnetic sensor. radio science, 51(9), 1432-1444.
20.lu, g., jiang, r., qie, x., zhang, h., sun, z., liu, m., ... & liu, k. (2014). burst of intracloud current pulses during the initial continuous current in a rocket‐triggered lightning flash. geophysical research letters, 41(24), 9174-9181.
1. 国家自然科学青年基金“中尺度对流系统层云区域电荷结构的穿云观测实验研究”,2019.01-2021.12,主持
2. 灾害天气国家重点实验室开放课题“中尺度对流系统层云区域电荷结构的穿云探测”,2018.06-2019.12,主持