2018年"雷电探测新技术研发及应用"获中国气象学会气象科学技术进步成果奖一等奖(第三完成人); 2014年国际雷电防护会议科学委员会颁发的“young scientist award”
1.王东方, 孙竹玲, 袁善锋, 卢晶雨, 郄秀书, 刘明远, 徐燕, 陆高鹏, 田野. 2020, 北京三维闪电定位网及一次雷暴过程的闪电时空演化特征[j]. 大气科学, doi: 10.3878/j.issn.1006-9895.1910.19161
2.wang, c., z. sun, r. jiang, y. tian, x. qie, 2018: characteristics of downward leaders in a cloud-to-ground lightning strike on a lightning rod, atmos. res., 203, 246-253.
3. sun, z., x. qie, m. liu, r. jiang, z. wang, and h. zhang, 2016: characteristics of a negative lightning with multiple-ground terminations observed by a vhf lightning location system, j. geophys. res. atmos., 121, 413-426.
4. sun, z., x. qie, r. jiang, m. liu, x. wu, z. wang, g. lu, and h. zhang, 2014: characteristics of a rocket-triggered lightning flash with large stroke number and the associated leader propagation, j. geophys. res. atmos., 119, 13,388–13,399.
5. sun, z., x. qie, m. liu, d. cao, and d. wang, 2013: lightning vhf radiation location system based on short-baseline tdoa technique-validation in rocket-triggered lightning, atmos. res., 129-130, 58-66.