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  • 职务:
  • 电子邮件:yanghuiling@mail.iap.ac.cn
  • 研究方向:主要从事云和降水物理、人工影响天气、气溶胶对云微物理和降水作用、云水资源特征分析等方面的研究工作。
1. yang, h. l., xiao h, guo c w, et al. 2019: spatial-temporal analysis of precipitation variability in qinghai region, china [j]. atmospheric research. 228:242-260.【sci】
2. yang, h. l., xiao h. and guo c. w., 2015: structure and evolution of a squall line in northern china: a case study, atmospheric research. 158-159: 139-157.【sci】
3. yang, h. l., h. xiao and y. c. hong, 2011: a numerical study of aerosol effects on cloud microphysical processes of hailstorm clouds, atmospheric research.102, 432-443 .【sci】
4. yang, h. l., xiao h., guo chunwei, et al. 2017: comparison of aerosol effects on simulated spring and summer hailstorm clouds. advances in atmospheric sciences. 34(7): 877-893. 【sci】
5. yang, h. l., xiao h., guo chunwei. 2019: effects of aerosols as ice nuclei on the dynamics, microphysics and precipitation of severe storm clouds. atmosphere. 10, 783; doi:10.3390/atmos10120783 【sci】
6. yang, h. l., h. xiao and y. c. hong, 2012: the effects of giant cloud condensation nuclei on the structure of precipitation in hailstorm clouds, sci. china earth sci., 55, 126-142 .【sci】
7. yang, h. l., xiao h, guo c w, et al. 2019:innovative trend analysis of annual and seasonal precipitation in ningxia, china[j]. atmospheric and oceanic science letters【esci, cscd】
8. yang, h. l., xiao h. and guo c. w., 2015: impacts of two ice parameterization schemes on the cloud microphysical processes and precipitation of a severe storm in northern china. atmos. oceanic sci. let.. 8(5): 301-307. 【esci, cscd】
9. 杨慧玲, 肖辉, 洪延超, 2011:气溶胶对冰雹云物理特性影响的数值模拟研究. 高原气象, 30( 2) : 445- 460. 【cscd】
10. 杨慧玲,肖辉,洪延超, 2011: 气溶胶对云宏微观特性和降水影响的研究进展.气候与环境研究, 16(4):525-542. 【cscd】
主持国家重点研发计划课题 “空中水资源特征和降水转化机制研究”,主持并完成了国家自然科学基金青年项目“气溶胶冰核对强风暴云微物理过程和降水影响研究”,参加了国家973课题“对流云的微物理过程及其反馈”、“雷电重大灾害天气系统的过程、动力、微物理和成灾机理”的研究。